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Infinity© training with horses!

monique met star.jpg
Liberdade, Celeborn en Star
Carolyn Resnick en Monique
Happy Lady Joy
happy King
Cursisten theorie
Star en Liberdade
Puc en Stream
Cursisten tijdens lunch

Training with animals is not "nothing",

As a child I was always with the ponies and other animals. At 8 years  old i was lucky to be allowed at a pony organization, where they already trained the ponies and horses in freedom. The manager introduced us to the horse language well, and we rode bitlessly and without a saddle. If we could do that well, the saddle was put on, and we went into the woods. Many people found the man who managed the park and taught us abouth horses, a bit different in his views... But the kids didn't think so, and now, looking back, he was way ahead of his time. Like so many of us, you lose sight of the animals at some point because you have to study .. Fortunately, among other things, the horses have returned to my life.


Since I was looking for the same approach that I was able to experience as a child, and still feels good with me as a person, I came across Carolyn Resnick in Escondito Caifornia during this search. I have been able to work intensively with her and carry her ideas from the WaterHole Rituals in our INFINITY training .. Carolyn Resnick is and remains my mentor regarding the WHR! In addition, we regularly immerse ourselves in training with other horse trainers, to feel and see what that does with the animals. Much is seen at the moment abouth liberty training, but the starting point for us is, the language of the animal ´in the moment ", linked to the language of the animal in its authentic self.

INFINITY© training with horses.

Why did we choose the name INFINITY?

The training in working with animals is infinite, we hope the lurningschool in communication never wil stop with the animal world. The horses are our teachers, and when we open ourselves up we can use these lessons in our work and in our daily lives. This training is not only about the horse, it is also about you, your understanding of yourself, and your transferance of messages between other beings. By using the WHR, among others, and the herd of horses from Vires Animaliae, you will learn what horses are and rediscover yourself!

The training courses are two-fold, and that makes it so unique!


In our view there is no beginning or end, there is an infinite cooperation between humans, animals and nature, which the horses among others show to us. They are an example of what can help us to become pure in our wayof questioning in body communication and verbally.

Horses accept humans as their leader, but they are actually the supervisors. They accept our presence and welcome our questioning:, answering honestly in their behavior, and with all their soul they try to show us what is good for them, to take them to a higher level. But they actually take us to a higher level, take a good look at it!!

You can hardly receive a greater gift. I will explain this statement in the training. The training is valuable for every level, so everyone can participate.


We work, among other things, with the 7 Waterhole Rituals by Carolyn Resnick, these training sessions will provide you with insight into what the language of the horses can be and how you can work with it.

You can use these teachings in all forms of equestrian sport and / or working with the horses and / or being together with the horses.

1 Do we know how horses communicate?


2 Can we communicate in horse language?



3 Infinity

You will experience your own infinity,

and that of your animal!

Do you want more insight?

just join us in one of our trainings.


For more information, send us an email!

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