Marieke Achterkamp
Great friend of the animals, and owner of various horses of Vires Animaliae. From the beginning, even when it was still called a hobby, Marieke took care of the animals in part. She has also given her help and support during move to Portugal.
Monique Ros
Founder of Vires Animaliae! She takes care of the animals and has the task of making the foundation grow and prosper.
Monique gives various training courses, coaching with horses and consultations that you can find on our site as a volunteer of vires Animaliae.
Bibiane Ros
Mental Health Coach, Board member and owner of various horses of Vires Animaliae.
Mental Health Coach as such depends on a thorough form of communication. For this she uses NLP, among other things. It is a method of altering awareness with the possibility of change to be set in motion.
Ivo Harleman
Great friend of the animals, and PR man behind the scenes of Vires Animaliae.
From the beginning Ivo has been ready to help our organization whereever possible!
Ivo has been transferred to the spirit world on December 25, 2017. We love to honor him, for his "his" help and friendship. Thank you Ivo, forever connected.
Ingrid Bongers (and her company) TamTam Azima: Girlfriend of Vires Animaliae. She has helped with the relocation in 2015 and is a great support for the shelter animals. Ingrid helps many people through bodywork, through various techniques and exercises such as Rebalancing and Primal Rebirth Therapy, whereby you can discover more about where the blockages come from and gain insight into what is causing you complaints. She also makes beautiful jewelry which you can also find on her site:
Eva Groslot,
Horse coach and friend of the animals and sparring partner when it comes to horse welfare.
Eva is an independent woman and coaches people with her horses. She is also a musician and communication consultant.
Marjolein van leeuwen
Marjolein is al jaren een grote vriend van Stichting Vires Animaliae en steunt ons op vele vlakken.
Marjolein is opgeleid tot Klassiek Veterinair Homeopaat bij het VHCN te Lochem en helpt ons altijd met de dieren die ziek zijn of ondersteuning nodig hebben bij traumaverwerking. Wij zijn daar heel blij mee en ook met de goede resultaten. Wil je graag meer over haar weten en /of haar contacten, kijk dan op haar site.
Piet en Alina Beerda: Great friends of Vires Animaliae, who helped to make sure the animals were brought to Portugal well and professionally. You cannot imagine a better transport. This passion of transport started when their own horses had to be transported one day. Piet and Alina as big animal lovers thought that it could be better and more loving. So born of passion, how beautiful can it be! For more information look at their site
Hildegard Dijkgraaf:
Director of VHCN
The Veterinary Homeopathy College Netherlands (VHCN) trains to become a veterinary classical homeopath. What makes this program unique is that it is based on more than 35 years of knowledge and experience. The VHCN is an initiative of Hildegard Dijkgraaf, who, based on her experience as a classical homeopath for humans, made the translation to classical homeopathy for animals 35 years ago and has since successfully treated animals.
For more information, visit the VHCN website
Stichting Abri voor Dieren ondersteunt organisaties, instellingen en stichtingen die tot doel hebben dieren een ‘dierwaardig’ bestaan te geven door middel van het verstrekken van een financiële bijdrage in de vorm van een donatie. Deze organisaties, instellingen en stichtingen werken voornamelijk met vrijwilligers en zijn actief ten behoeve van de opvang van of de hulp aan zwerfdieren en gewond geraakte dieren in zowel Nederland, Spanje als daarbuiten. In 2018 heeft de stichting een prachtige donatie mogen ontvangen voor hekwerk en andere werkzaamheden voor de dieren. Kijk op hun site als je graag een donatie aan wilt vragen voor jouw stichting of een ander.