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"Our communication with the animals has reached a new level"



The training consists of several training courses that can be followed in order to become a good animal translator in our vision. After each completion of a training you will receive a certificate! The courses wil be given by Monique Ros in consultation with Vires Animaliae.

Part 1 basic training for translating for animals -Comminication with Animals: 2 days

Part 2 Translation for animals, especially working with energy and healing of animals: 2 days

Part 3 Get to know the animal world, and understand it as your example and learning school for yourself: 3 days

Part 4 Setting up your own clientele as an animal translator, affiliated with Vires Animaliae, and using precentations, and booklets from Vires Animaliae: 2 days

Would you like to host a animal communication course in your land, please send us a mail, and we look if Monique Ros can come over.


 Angelique en Mariélle 2 van onze docenten

Mijn naam is Angelique Wolterinck

Ik heb Monique leren kennen tijdens de cursus Vertalen voor Dieren. Een jaar later is ze bij Monique op bezoek geweest in Portugal en heeft ze Banjer geadopteerd. Angelique heeft Vertalen voor Dieren deel, 1, 2 en 3 gevolgd en naast haar baan bij het Graafschap College heeft ze haar eigen praktijk als natuurgeneeskundig hondentherapeut. 
Haar hart ligt bij de dieren en door haar kennis als natuurgeneeskundig hondentherapeut, het uitmeten en het vertalen voor dieren kan ze mooie lijntjes leggen waardoor ze de dieren en de eigenaren nog beter kan helpen. 
Wil je meer over haar weten of met haar in contact komen, kijk dan op haar site: 

Mijn naam is Mariëlle Ros
Ik werk als klassiek homeopaat voor mens en dier in de mooie provincie Drenthe.
Van jongs af aan ben ik al gek op dieren geweest en met name honden.
Zelf heb ik 30 jaar schotse herders gehad, de liefde voor dit ras had ik al van kinds af aan.
Van 2005 tot en met 2014 heb ik dit ras met veel liefde en zorg zelf gefokt.
Dit ras is van zichzelf zeer sensitief en voelt dingen heel goed aan. Ik heb enorm veel van mijn eigen roedel geleerd, zij hebben mij regelmatig laten zien dat er meer is tussen hemel en aarde. Zelf wilde ik hier graag meer kennis over op doen, en zo doende ben ik in 2012 bij Monique Ros terecht gekomen en heb deel 1 van vertalen voor dieren bij haar gevolgd.
Dit gaf mij zoveel inzichten dat ik besloot om ook deel 2 en 3 te gaan volgen. Voor meer info kijk alsjeblieft op mijn site. 

The three elements!










Body language: or non-verbal communication is the totality of communicative messages that are conveyed through gestures, facial expression, posture, eye contact and aids. (The horse teacher has a WHIP in her hands) Non-verbal communication that people use in relation to words and sounds is approximately 79%, as indicated in many communication textbooks. But we found and experienced "considering the context" if certain questions are asked, body language among people will be approximately 39%. Animals only speak in body communication, so the concept of non-verbal communication does not apply, animals do not use aids!


These differences can be important to know when working with animals, in particular the question pertaining to the animal.


Examples come to the fore in the training.

In the animal world there is only body communication!

Angelique met Banjer .jpg
Ik en Tinka (1).jpeg
Energievelden en hartfreqentie


Develops the senses. Many are so vague about telepathy, but if you look at the meaning of the word: Is an Ancient Greek word, Tele stands for far, pahteia stands for susceptibility or pathos (feeling). Ancient Greek time is around 3000 to 800 years before Christ. In 1882 the term was used by FWM Meyers among others with Henry Sidgwick, after the had investigate the possibilities of thought transfer. So the word has been given a different meaning (transfer of thought from a distance). But in essence that is not the case. It is feeling - sensitive for things- from a distance. The word admissible means: sensitive to.


Now it is true that animals easily absorb vibrations from great distances, even elephants from 10 km away, and horses with their radius and whiskers from 5 km away.

Would it not have been the case for human beings too, and that the Ancient Greeks were aware of this and formed this word for it. Every human being also has its senses, and the extrasensory as human has labled it; though it is simply also sensory.


Telepathy is not just the transfer of thought from a distance, but pure perception from your entire body, heart, brain and body and the absorption of vibrations from a great distance, and not necessarily directly visible with the eyes. That can therefore also be close by, since everything outside of us takes place from a distance.


In our training courses you will learn to use all your senses again, and that means receiving vibrations from a distance, and translating them into what there is.


From experience I can say that a larger and beautiful world opens up for you, and yes sometimes it is exciting, and a lot can come in. But you can also use it to view this from a distance and not to let it in.


What is energy that humans generally talk abouth? Energy is in all sorts of things, We find it comprehensive. It is practical to look at it as a functional relationship. Basically, everything that has a movement consists of energy. Here are a few examples: Fixed energy - Emotional energy - Heart and body energy / frequency - Heat and cold energy - Light energy and much more.

Every movement takes power, even though it doesn't always seem that way. Because this power can be translated into energy, you can see from a body shape which energy it is. Energy can be read by "looking" and feeling well. What an animal radiates when he walks, lies, runs, etc. In addition, when you have a well-developed intuition, you see, feel, smell, taste and hear (our senses) more. You will also be able to observe * outside - sensory things, such as colors, vibrations, lines, shadows and much more, which can also help you to read the animal. * mans invention of the term, "extrasensory" belongs in our oppinion along with our senses!


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