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Liberdade, Celeborn en Star
Carolyn Resnick en Monique
Happy Lady Joy
happy King
Cursisten theorie
Star en Liberdade
Puc en Stream
Cursisten tijdens lunch

Alle dieren op de foto's zijn onderdeel van Vires Animaliae, en/of hebben bij ons een lange tijd gewoond!

Ons opleiding instituut.

Vires Animaliae verzorgt diverse trainingen, opleidingen en workshops. We werken voor verschillende doelgroepen en beschikken over meerdere docenten en coaches!!


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Certification for Monique  2008 

 From Carolyn Resnick  

First met Monique when she came from Holland to study at Dances with Horses, my school in Escondido, California. I found Monique to have a magical light-hearted energy that naturally heals others. Her self-realization course, Infinity training, and coaching with the horses, will bring more meaning to your life and provide guidance on healing the planet and all living creatures that bring you personal fulfillment.

She will open your heart to experience a deep gratitude and appreciation of your spiritual journey. Her programs parallels my method on Infinity training, coaching with horses, and self realization through meditation, and social studies with horses.

Monique offers programs that allow people to experience a cross-species bond with horses that will create a deeper understanding and connection with all living things. Her programs are focused on building personal well being and personal confidence. Her programs are also designed to bring awareness of the power of horses to heal though a natural bond that we share with them. I have seen her programs in action tough video. Her clinics do mirror my programs here at Dances with Horses. Enjoy!!!! Love, Carolyn

Carolyn Resnick, en Monique 2008 in Escondito California.

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